Please notice: This is only a draft. After your suggestion or any correction, I will do the final.

Truth table and Karnaugh maps for collision signal

TTL logic implementation

(a)Standard gate symbol and equivalent PAL diagram; (b) schematic and PAL diagram equivalence

The schematic diagram and equivalent PAL diagram for the Boolean function

PAL 16L8 device architecture

PAL 16L8 device architecture

Creating a wired-AND with EPROM cells

Structure of a FAMOS transistor [Reprinted by permission of Intel Corp.]

Creating a wired-AND with E2PROM cells

Structure of a FLOTOX transistor [[Reprinted by permission of Inte\ l Corp.]

Pull-down paths

22V10 device architecture

22V10 macrocell

Sample data-sheet parameters for a 22V10

Timing parameters

Truth table, Karnaugh maps, and expressions for a 3-bit counter

Schematic of a 3-bit counter

Timing diagram for counter design

Block diagram of the 22V10