Guang Gao Biography

CJ NewburnGuang R. Gao is a computer scientist and an Endowed Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University Delaware. Gao’s research domain is high-performance computer architecture and systems. He is a leader in parallel computaion models and systems – has a focus on dataflow program execution model and systems. Gao’s work has also been associated with his entrepreneur effort --- applying his dataflow R&D results for real world applications. A unique achievement of Gao’s team is the critical role in the now legendary supercomputing system project – funded by DoD and IBM - known as IBM Cyclops-64 Supercomputer The success on Cyclops64 supercomputer is recognized as a winner of disruptive technology award in SC2007 ( as one of the large-scale real system successfully designed, built and delivered based on innovative many-core chip technology a decade ago . Gao is an ACM Fellow and IEEE Fellow, and a recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award of Oversee Scholars from CCF (Chinese Computer Federation). Gao is a founder and chairman of the IEEE Computer Scociet Dataflow STC (the Special Interested Community of Parallel Model and System: Dataflow and Beyond ( Gao is named the recipient of 2017 Bob Ramakrishna Rau Award (