Board Setup Guide

Preparing First Node

Creating SD with Headless Distribution of Parallella OS

Note: Check the version of the board - you will need to know if it is z7010 or z7020 for the .img download.

  1. Download the .img file: parallella - Creating a Bootable SD Card

    • The z7010 chip is in the P1600 (Microserver) and P1601 (Desktop/Motherboard) versions
    • The z7020 chip is in the P1602 (Embedded) and A101040 (Kickstarter) versions
    • The chip version can be seen in the filename
    • The DEMAC cluster uses the headless version with Epiphany support
  2. Unzip the .img.gz file with gunzip

  3. cd to the directory containing the OS file

  4. Check the name of the SD Card. <d_name> should be mmcblk0 or sdb. <d_name> refers to the disk name, not the partition names

  5. Unmount the SD Card partitions with sudo umount <partition_name> (if they are mounted, you will see a mountpoint in lsblk output) and write the image to the SD Card

    sudo dd bs=4M if=<parabuntu_filename>.img of=/dev/<d_name> bs=64k
  6. Expand the larger partition so that it uses the rest of the SD Card’s free space (the dd command probably resized the SD Card partition). To do this, we used the Resize command inside of the partitioning utility cfdisk (but you can use whatever you find easiest)

  7. Insert the SD Card into the parallella board before you power it on to continue

Note: There should be two partitions on the SD Card at the end of this process: one 100MB partition and one that is the remainder of the SD Card’s space and contains the .img file. You can check this by mounting the larger partition and examining its contents.

Setting Up Router

If you are doing the headless OS install while you’re on a large network, you will need to use a router and connect it to the internet, the parallella boards, and your personal computer.

Once everything is connected, open your router’s interface to find out what IP Address is being given to your parallella by default. Look for a tab that says Network. Then find a section labeled DHCP Client List. There you should see your parallella board and its IP Address.

With this IP Address, you can SSH into the parallella and set up a static IP address.

Connecting to Parallella Board with SSH

Note: For this section, <default_IP> is the dynamic IP address you found in the DHCP Client List.

  1. Check connection to the board

    ping <default_IP>
    1. SSH into the board for the first time (default password is parallella) bash ssh parallella@<default_IP>

Setting Up Network

Manual Configuration

The configuration described below is the same that executes.

  • Change hostname: edit /etc/hostname

  • Set other boards IP Addresses: edit /etc/hosts

  • Set static IP Address: use the below text for /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0

    	#The primary network interface
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    	gateway #this should be the address of the router
  • Restart connection with the command below

    ifdown eth0; ifup eth0

    Automatic Configuration Using the Script

    With <##> as the two digit identifier/node number (starting from 01), the name of each node is NOPA<##> by default.

    git clone cd Node_Config/ chmod a+x ./ <##>

    Perform a hard reboot of the boards that were changed after running the script by unplugging the power cable and restarting them.

    Setting Up Keygen and Password-less Access on Boards

    Set up a private public key pair on every node (including the head node). Make a temporary folder, generate a new key and make it an authorized key, and add all NOPAs to the known hosts as shown below.

    mkdir tmp_ssh
    cd tmp_ssh
    ssh-keygen -f ./id_rsa
    #Press enter twice to set and confirm an empty password
    cp authorized_keys
    for i in `seq 0 24`; do j=$(echo $i | awk '{printf "%02d\n", $0}');
    ssh-keyscan NOPA$J >> known_hosts; done
    cd ..

Manually Copying Keys for Every Node

Using reverse order, the loop below assumes that the configuration will occur from NOPA0. Reverse order avoids overwriting the ssh in the current node first.

for i in `seq 24 0`; do j=$(echo $i | awk '{printf "%02d\n", $0}');
scp tmp_ssh/* NOPA$j:.ssh/; done

Note: While not recommended for other systems, it should be possible to use the sshpass tool to avoid having to type the same password for all nodes. THIS IS A SECURITY RISK, AS IT EXPOSES THE PASSWORD IN PLAIN TEXT.

Running the SSH Config Script

Running this script is an alternative to manually copying the keys as described above.


If the node has been added before, it is necessary to remove the key first:

ssh-keygen -f "/home/parallella/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "nopa<##>"
ssh-keygen -R<##>
  • Copy the updated files

    scp -r ~/.ssh NOPA<##>:.ssh
    • Test password-less access to the node bash ssh parallella@NOPA<##>
  • Update ssh keys and hosts file to all other nodes

    sudo sed -i -re
    's/([a-z]{2}\.)?|' /etc/apt/sources.list

    Restoring a Single Node’s SSH Setup

    This can be used when a single node has been re-installed. We need to obtain the new node’s host key, add it into the current known hosts to avoid getting the typical ssh response, then give the key to the new node and provide the host’s key information to all nodes. Change the environment variable NEW_NODE accordingly.


export NEW_NODE=NOPA24 ssh-keyscan $NEW_NODE >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts scp ~/.ssh/* $NEW_NODE:.ssh/ for i in seq 24 0; do j=$(echo $i | awk ‘{printf “%02d\n”, $0}‘); scp ~/.ssh/known_hosts NOPA$j:.ssh/known_hosts; done

**Note: If the node has been added before, it is necessary to the remove the key first as shown below.**

ssh-keygen -f “/home/parallella/.ssh/known_hosts” -R “nopa<##>” ssh-keygen -R<##>

## Configuring sshfs

### Updating & Upgrading

Comment out all existing release links and add to the file `/etc/apt/sources.list` the following:

deb vivid main universe deb-src vivid main universe deb vivid-security main universe deb vivid main restricted deb-src vivid main restricted deb vivid-updates main restricted deb-src vivid-updates main restricted deb vivid universe deb-src vivid universe deb vivid-updates universe deb-src vivid-updates universe deb vivid multiverse deb-src vivid multiverse deb vivid-updates multiverse deb-src vivid-updates multiverse deb vivid-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb-src vivid-backports main restricted universe multiverse

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Installing sshfs

sudo apt-get install -y sshfs

Checking for / Creating Fuse Group

sshfs guide

  • Check if the fuse group exists

    cat /etc/group | grep 'fuse'
    • If the group exists, execute the following command bash sudo usermod -a -G fuse parallella
  • If the group doesn’t exist, create it and add the user to it

    sudo groupadd fuse
    sudo usermod -a -G fuse parallella
    • Uncomment the line user_allow_other in the file fuse.config bash sudo vim /etc/fuse.conf

Configure NFS Folder

  • Modify the file /etc/fstab

    sudo vim /etc/fstab
  • Replace the contents with the text shown below

    # <file system>       <mount point>         <type>  <options>
    sshfs#parallella@NOPA01:/home/parallella/DEMAC_nfs /home/parallella/DEMAC_nfs fuse comment=sshfs,noauto,users,exec,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,allow_other,reconnect,transform_symlinks,BatchMode=yes,nonempty,_netdev,identityfile=/home/parallella/.ssh/id_rsa,default_permissions 0 0

Installing MPI

  • Unpack the tar file

    tar xfz mpich-3.3.1.tar.gz
    • Choose an intallation directory (default is /usr/local/bin) bash cd ~/DEMAC_config mkdir mpich-install
  • Choose a build directory

    mkdir mpich-3.3
    • Install fortran (optional) bash sudo apt-get install gfortran
  • Choose any configure options. See section 2.5.1 for a description of the most important options to consider.

  • Configure MPICH, specifying the installation directory, and running the configure script in the source directory

    cd mpich-3.3.1
    ./configure --prefix=/home/parallella/DEMAC_config/mpich-install 2>&1 | tee c.txt

    If fortran is not installed, use the disable-fortran option as shown below:

    ./configure --prefix=/home/parallella/DEMAC_config/mpich-install --disable-fortran 2>&1 | tee c.txt
  • Build and install MPICH

    make 2>&1 | tee m.txt
    make install 2>&1 | tee mi.txt

    Refer to the MPICH installation guide for more information.

    Enabling Epiphany (multinode)

    • Include the line below in /etc/ssh/ssh_config ```

PermitUserEnvironment yes

- Check eSDK libraries with `cat /opt/adapteva/esdk/`. The script `` initializes the environment variables

- Add the below lines to `~/.ssh/environment` to modify the ssh enivronment variables

PATH=/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/host.armv7l/bin:/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/e-gnu.armv7l/bin:/opt/openmpi/bin:/usr/local/browndeer/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/e-gnu.armv7l/lib:/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/host.armv7l/lib:/opt/openmpi/lib:/usr/local/browndeer/lib:/usr/local/lib: EPIPHANY_HDF=/opt/adapteva/esdk/bsps/current/platform.hdf MANPATH=/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/e-gnu/share/man

## Miscellaneous

### Image Backup Example

df -h
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/CAPSL/DEMAC/Backup_SD/P1_171109.img
sudo dd bs=4M if=~/CAPSL/DEMAC/Backup_SD/P1_171109.img of=/dev/mmcblk0

Copying Files Through SSH

scp <source> <destination>

-Copying files from B to A while logged into B

scp /path/to/file username@A:/path/to/destination

-Copying files from B to A while logged into A

scp username@B:/path/to/file /path/to/destination